Bus 39 was traveling on Hwy 10 westbound approaching Bell Rd. The driver turned his left signal light on to negotiate a turn onto Bell Road when the driver of a Mazda SUV impacted the bus from the rear. The learners and bus driver are ok. We are awaiting word on the condition of the driver of the SUV. Prayers to all souls involved.

All learners who ride Bus 39 will be transported to SHATA. Parents will be able to meet their child at that location.

Good morning. Bus 39 was involved in an accident where a car struck the bus from behind. Transportation staff are on their way to the scene. We will keep you updated as things progress.

Watch tonight's SHPSD Committee and School Board Meetings on Facebook and Youtube:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otlfUuexjQI
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1222824285491915

More from Kindergarten MakerSpace build-a-boat experience. #sthelenawinning

MakerSpace Happenings: Kindergarten learners planned and conducted an investigation to compare the effects of different strength or pushes and pulls on the motion of an object by building a boat and placing it in a tub of water to float. #sthelenawinning

Super Saturday with STEM NOLA Draws Large Turnout for Hands-On Learning and Family Engagement

Thank you Southeast Community Health Systems!! We’re here at Super Saturday with STEM NOLA!! It’s not too late to join the fun!!🖤💛🖤💛

Super Saturday with STEM NOLA!!🖤💛 We have something for parents, too!

Super Saturday is in full swing!! There’s still time to join us!!


Congrats to Arkell Cornish, Ronzeria Brumfield, and Rilee Franklin. Their families registered for the Super Saturday event!! There's still time to sign up!

Each month, Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library mails a high quality, age appropriate books to all registered children, addressed to them, at no cost to the child’s family. Countless parents have shared how excited their child is when their new book arrives each month. Many groups and individuals work hard behind the scenes to make that special moment possible for each child.
Register your child today. Learners up to 5 years old can receive books from the Imagination Library.

A BIG congratulations to Christopher Holmes-Atkins from SHATA for winning our daily award!! He won a cool Hawk Swag Bag because his family registered for Super Saturday!!!! 🥳🥳 Sign up today!! https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=zu_qqJEFD0qQit5q3fWWH0DOIBYP26FIsnWgEU0ksiRUQ1hWQVVKUlBTSDlaVDkzQTNWTURNT1RYWi4u

A BIG congratulations to Dorian Page for winning our daily award!! He won a Hawk sweatshirt and Yeti because his family registered for Super Saturday!!!! 🥳🥳 Sign up today!! https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=zu_qqJEFD0qQit5q3fWWH0DOIBYP26FIsnWgEU0ksiRUQ1hWQVVKUlBTSDlaVDkzQTNWTURNT1RYWi4u

Scan the QR code to register!

Join us!! The event will include a fun evening of movies, costumes, and concessions, and we are encouraging attendees to wear their costumes, and enjoy a spooky good time with friends.

Join us!!!